⇒   Upcoming  &  published  Conferences/Seminars List view-details
Publish Conference Papers / Articles  (Upcoming /Conducted) USD (Abroad)
Publish Seminar Papers / Articles  (Upcoming /Conducted) Rs. – INR (Indian)
Publish Congress Papers / Articles  (Upcoming /Conducted)
Publish Edited Issue Papers / Articles / Chapters
Per Paper/ Article Charge  (Online) :-  Only  Rs.500 / 20 USD          File upto  5000 words / 10 pages with 1 auhtor.    (*Additional Author – Rs. 200/-  or  10 USD,;  ** For each additional 500 words or 2 pages –  Rs. 200/-  or  5 USD,;   ##If want Hard copy of certificate Per Author – Rs.100/- ;   #If file is not into Journal Template – Additional setup charge Rs. 200/-  or  5 USD  per file,  *** Dispatch Charge extra. Online Publication.(ISBN / ISSN) DOIs
Per Paper/ Article Charge (1 Print copy) :-  Only  Rs.800 / 20 USD   File upto  5000 words / 10 pages. (*Additional Author – Rs. 200/-  or  10 USD,;  ** For each additional 500 words or 2 pages –  Rs. 200/-  or  5 USD,;   #If file not setup – charge Rs.200 per file.,;   *** Post Dispatch Charge Rs.200/-   or  30 USD per address ) Print Publication.(ISBN / ISSN)
#Note: In the total billing 10% TDS charge is applicable.  
Publication Agreement FORM  ( ISSN   –  Journals  /  ISBN   –  Book )      => CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD@
Application Form  DOWNLOAD   for   ISBN  => CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD@

‘Shikshan Sanshodhan’ also organize NATIONAL or INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE / SEMINAR in collaboration with academic institutions, organizations, university, etc. and publishes its papers as well as proceedings.  We provide technical support and help for the administration, promotion and publication of conference / seminar / workshop.

Our organization is dedicated for the promotion of research work  related activities and publication.

Guidelines for Conference / Seminar / Symposium Organizers :  EASY STEPS

If you are planning to organize  or  already conducted a National or International conference/seminar/symposium, and wish to collaborate with us then send the following details on our Email :                                                                         (STEP – 1) 

  • Institute or Organization Name, Address, Contact Number, Email IDs,  Coordinator/Convener details.
  • Theme – sub themes of conference/seminar/symposium  details.
  • Brochure / Leaflet  – PDF  / M.S. word file  copy  with participation and other charges.
  • Dates   (If you have finalized the dates or tentative month/year).
  • City/Country where this conference is going to held or already conducted.
  • Website Link, if you have any website.

After receiving your above  details, we will send you a publication agreement form and deposit amount  payment details for confirmation.  (Deposit will be adjusted-deducted at last from total publication charge)                                                                                            (STEP – 2) 

Print publishing agreement form (1) – fill up manually with required name, sign and college / institute stamp  – pay deposit amount (2). – scan both as PDF and send us by email.  (STEP – 3)

Without Collaboration Not to follow step – 4  /or  With Collaboration Guidelines: (STEP – 4)

If with collaboration – Please make sure you follow the norms as below in step – 4. 

  • For your Conference/Seminar  FREE promotion option :-   Mention ‘Research Culture Society’  ( as  ‘in association with’ / ‘in collaboration’ / as a co-sponsor with LOGO,  in the Brochure, leaflet, conference – seminar day banner and online presentation PPT first page screen  and  Journal name as publishing partner in brochure/ leaflet/  promotion material. 
  • For collaboration memories – Organizing Institute can (has to) provide us memento – certificates on name of society as a co-sponsor / publication partner and on name of the Editor from society side. Institutions also can invite one of our committee members as a guest representative, keynote speaker, with providing full fledged traveling and other accommodation.

We will send a Journal publication template or Format file and Index file.               (STEP – 5)

Organizing institute need to prepare all selected papers in Journal publication – Format file, with Index file and send us with prior – cover pages for final publication.                      (STEP – 6)

Publication of  conference/seminar/symposium.                                                   (STEP – 7) 

The following will be the benefits of the collaboration:- 

  • Conference or seminar or symposium should be organized by the academic institution, research organization or industry who have established research wing.
  • Minimum 10 papers /articles requires  for any type of publication of Conference / Seminar / Symposium. 
  • Selected paper/article should be in limit of 8 page / 4000 words.  if exceeding this limit extra charge will be applicable.
  • All selected papers/ articles must be properly setup in to our journal publication template or standard format with cited references.
  • All papers/articles should be original and plagiarism free; the similarity index shall be less than 20%. ( originality –  80% to 100%)
  • Papers/Articles selected for the publication will be selected based on the merit of work through the peer-review process by the publication committee of the conference/seminar/symposium.
  • Additional setup, handling, and cover page design etc. charges will be applicable. 
  • The conference website/ brochure/ leaflet should not include any misleading or fake information.
  • RCSP Journals or Editors reserves all right to refuse the inclusion of any paper/article, if it does not meet the quality standard or violate our publication policy.

The Managing Editor – RCS Journals.
Research Culture Society Journals
+91 9033767725
Email :–