Journal Publication Frequency (Monthly)  Monthly    (12 Issue per year)
Research work submission Open on all days.
Submit as per Instructions & Guidelines to  – Submit Online     or   Journal  Editor  Email ID. 
Receipt of Research work Within 24 hrs of the submission.
Peer-Review Process and Notification Fast Review  and  Publication Process.
Support / Queries Quick support  on Call  &  Email.
Processing Charge/ Fee :  Starting from  =>    [As per number of Authors, Pages, Words ]  Single Author:   Rs.750  INR  or   $ 25 USD ;  &   for Each additional Co-Author: Rs.300 INR or $ 10 USD
Publication with Digital Object Identification Free  DOIs   (Journal’s pattern/system of digital ID)

(For Author) 

Copyright Agreement form &  Publication Fees Process 

On Acceptance email of Research work, Author must complete the process to fill up Copyright Agreement Form & to pay publication fees within 2 to 5 days and send its scanned PDF copy to the Editor.


Q: Which one is last date for paper/article  manuscript submission?  

A:  Submissions are open on all days,     received paper/article manuscript will be considered as per submission day/date :-  (Current Issue /  Next Issue )

  • Date:-  1st to 25th  -> in the current month issue consideration.  From 26th Next issue consideration.