Empowerment Through Connection: Social media as a tool for Community Building among Transgender
Author(s): 1 Ms. Agalya K. , 2 Dr. Naneetha R., 3 Dr. Monisha M.,
Authors Affiliations:
1MA Student, Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM University, Kattankulathur, India
2Assistant professor, Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM University, Kattankulathur, India
3Assistant professor, Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM University, Kattankulathur, India
DOIs:10.2018/SS/202501007     |     Paper ID: SS202501007Social media has revolutionized the way people connect, communicate, and share their experiences, becoming a powerful tool for self-expression and community building. For transgender individuals, these platforms offer unique opportunities to explore and affirm their identities in safe, supportive spaces. Qualitative case study was used in the study to understand the community building and how they use digital space for inclusiveness in the main stream. This study examines the ways transgender individuals utilize social media platforms to build supportive communities and explore their identities. Also, it helps in communication, sharing information, seeking information, empowerment, advocacy for their rights, raising awareness, decision making and also highlights the challenges like harassment and discrimination faced by transgender individuals.
Ms. Agalya K. , Dr. Naneetha R., Dr. Monisha M.,(2025); Empowerment Through Connection: Social media as a tool for Community Building among Transgender, Shikshan Sanshodhan : Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN(o): 2581-6241, Volume – 8, Issue – 1., Pp.43-46 Available on – https://shikshansanshodhan.researchculturesociety.org/
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